Samantha and Lillieanna

Samantha and Lillieanna
Time for Mommy to take Lillianna's last name

Charlie's Little Piece of the Worls

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Life has been so busy. Really.

Hi, Thanks for all of the comments and e-mails letting me know that you haven't forgotten me and are praying. Let me get you caught up real quick. It is already after midnight, and I have been up since 6 a.m. this morning.

Last week I spent the week getting my studio put back together, and I've got to tell you that it looks great. My friends and neighbors kicked in and helped me get it all put back, and even decorated it differently and I love it. I've taken pictures, and I'll post them later. But after a full week of working I got it done. Praise God.

Last Friday I had to go have a MRI on my hip. All of this moving and stuff has really mess it up, but it isn't anything bad. I'll just put my big girl pants up and keep going. But I took two happy pills and fell asleep during the MRI, no stress there. LOL.

On Saturday my best friend from 7th grade flew in and I picked her up at the studio and we left the airport and went straight to the mall, which I hate going to, and shopped all day for a dress to wear to the wedding this weekend. I've gained so much weight that I am not even going to tell you what size I had to end up getting. I had set a limit on what I would spend, and I am so happy to say that I was able to stay within 12 dollars of my budget. I bought a dress from J.C. Penny's for about 39 dollars. It is called being on sale. Then I bought a new bra, a pair of panties briefs, the things that have legs in them so that my legs won't sweat, and a beautiful pair of shoes. The total cost my shoes were about 35 dollars, and my bra was 11.00, and the panties took up the rest of the money. Everything was on sale and we also got additional percentages off and it was just amazing. I was so thrilled at the money that I saved, I feel like such a big girl.

Monday found me at my daughter's house, and why you might ask me? Well, her dog was having puppies and for some reason I've become the mid-wife for these things. I am happy to share with you that after a long day of labor, Little Lu gave birth to four puppies, two boys and two girls. She did a great job, and she produced a lot of love for some lucky people.

My brother-in-law got here on Tuesday, and he started cooking today for the rehearsal dinner. My mom's house is so crowded, but we are making it. And believe it or not, but we are having a ton of fun. I wish you could see all of us in the kitchen, we all have to move around one another. You need to come join us. Lots of laughter and loving going on here.

And finally, my house is up and almost done. Can you believe it? I have pictures, and I promise to send photos as soon as I can. With the wedding of my oldest son this weekend, I am so pushed for time. I hope that all of you are staying well and healthy. My best wishes to all of you.


Justabeachkat said...

It DOES sound like life has been very busy for you, but exciting too. I'm happy to "hear" a little happiness in your words.

Can't wait to see photos.


Donna Lynn said...

I am so glad your doing well, nice that you are having family visits!
Just wanted to know your OK!

Donna Lynn

Sandy McTier Designs said...

Hi Charlie,
You've been one busy lady. Cannot wait to see pictures of the studio, house, wedding, etc.
Have a wonderful week.
Miss ya!
Sandy ;)

Diana Lyn said...

Hi Sweetie, I am so glad you have been doing well, I know first hand how hard what you are doing is! Better days are comin, better days are comin! Have a great weekend and thank you for letting us who care about you know your still here! Hugs and talk to you soon! Diana Lyn

Donna Lynn said...

Wow, Charlie, you have been one busy girl! I can not believe you posted at all with all of that going on...and your son getting married on top of it all? Well, good gravy, you are amazing!

God bless your son and I am so happy to hear your home is there!
I will keep up the prayers!
Donna Lynn