Samantha and Lillieanna

Samantha and Lillieanna
Time for Mommy to take Lillianna's last name

Charlie's Little Piece of the Worls

Thursday, July 31, 2014

It's a beautiful day in Wilmington, but I am inside the studio with my lights off.  Lol, trying to keep the heat down in here.  I have plenty of light in here because there is a nice sky light almost right above me.  Yea for me!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Charlie's "new" Studio is opened.

Yea!  Finally after years of not having one, I had the grand opening to my new studio last night.  This one is much, much smaller than the first one, and I love it.  I am in The ArtWorks in Wilmington, a huge warehouse that is being converted into individual studios.  This is a community of artists of all sorts, and continues to grow each week.  I have met some really nice women there, all ready to share and talk about their craft.  I am amazed as I walk around looking at their work, and I hope one day to master my craft as well as they have done.  Beautiful Work.

Phil and I were blown away with the support that we had last night at the grand opening.  We were hoping for 20 to 30 people, well over 100 came.  It was awesome.  We had food, drinks, a little wine  and some good desserts.  My studio was opened for them to come in and make a purchase if wanted, and some did make a purchase.  I was thrilled, people actually wanted to buy my art and put it on their walls.

When Phil and I got home last night we were both so tired that we couldn't even make it to bed.  It was one of those good "tired", and when we went to bed we both fell asleep immediately.  It was a great night, and thank you everyone for helping to make it that way.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday, class day. Today we painted on pendants, and they were so nice.  It was a very enjoyable class, we talked and painted.   I love of classes and all the friends that take class from me.  It helps to keep the dream alive.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Here is a picture of one on the pieces we did in class a few weeks ago.  It is a Susan Schewee Brown design.  Everyone in class did a great job and loved doing it.  This piece is now located at my studio, and it can go home with the right person.  Yea!

I am still here.

Okay,  here is it the end of April 2014.  Acutally today is my BFF's birthday, happy Birthday Becky Kelly.

My husband has suggested that I start blogging again, so here I am.  Looks like things have changed since I first started this years ago.  Hopefully I will be able to stick to this and actually blog.  lol.

Things have changed a lot in my life since first starting this blog. I now have two grandchildren, Bella and Trace.  Love, love, love them.  My Mom passed away in Feb. 2013.  Quit my job a few weeks ago to be a full time Wife, Mom, and Grandmother.  Of course my name is GiGi.

I am also getting ready to open another art studio.  This one is very small, just for me.  I am excited.

Okay, just wanted to pop in.

It is the end of April, 2014.  Time has a way of flying, doesn't it?  Phil, my Hubby, suggested I start my blog back, so here goes.  I am getting ready to open another art studio, nothing like the first one, and hopefully a new chapter in my life.

So much has happened and changed in my life since first starting this blog.  I started at the nudging of my friend Sandy McTier years ago.  I am not as good as her, she has kept her blog up and going since day one. She is my hero.  In more ways than one.

Well, I now have two grandchildren, Bella and Trace.  Love, Love, Love them.  My Mother passed away Feb. 3, 2013.  We are renting a house in the middle of Wilmington, but looking to buy one soon.  I quit my job a few weeks ago, an am looking forward to being a wife, Mom, and Grandmother.  My name is GiGi, took me forever to pick it out.

Well, just wanted to pop in and get this going again.