Samantha and Lillieanna

Samantha and Lillieanna
Time for Mommy to take Lillianna's last name

Charlie's Little Piece of the Worls

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wednesday nights first class.

Since closing the studio other opportunities have come forward and one of those ended up being a class in Burgaw, N.C. When I made the decision to close I called the auction house that I had purchased all of my antique items from and asked them to come and get my items and auction them off for me. They came and I've got to tell you they were so nice and it made it easy for me to let my things go. While they were there they checked out my paintings and asked questions and before they left we had decided to set up a class for them in Burgaw. So, this past Wednesday night was my first class with them and I wanted to share their photos with you. I've already had two classes here at the house, I just haven't taken any photos yet. Shame on me.

Here is the Wednesday night group. They are doing the new four week course that Donna Dewberry presented at the convention this past summer.

They were a fun group to work with and I look forward to spending time with them and helping them to learn this technique.


Sandy McTier Designs said...

Hey girl!
Fabulous! They all did such a fabulous job and I'm sure were all thrilled with their finished work!
Great to see you back to painting!
Have a wonderfully blessed week.

Donna Lynn said...

Hi there!
I have not been blogging much either, I have way too much going on right now and the weather is wonderful still, we are having 80' today! A record breaker!

Sorry you had to close your doors, but it looks like God opened new windows for you instead! Awesome!!!
I think about you all the time, did you get settled into your new home yet? I just watched a really informative U Tube video, called Burning Down the House, it is about the housing it, it is really good, helped me to understand what is happening right now with the banks and housing markets!

Take care and have a great week!
Donna Lynn