Samantha and Lillieanna

Samantha and Lillieanna
Time for Mommy to take Lillianna's last name

Charlie's Little Piece of the Worls

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Lights on at night are a good thing.

So, we are driving along and Cindy needs a break so me being medicated offered to drive. And the idiots took me up on it. Now mind you, I'm taking pain meds every two hours. lol. I get in the driver's side of the van, put my seat belt on and proceeded to drive. Things went pretty well for about the first hour, then all of a sudden it was dark outside. Cindy is sitting up front playing with her new GPS, which we named Rosie after the robot on the Jetson's cartoon show, and Sissy was sitting behind her playing poker on my laptop. Finally Cindy looks over and asks if I'm okay. I very calmly tell her and Sissy that I'm find, I just can't see the road. I tell them I am not a good night time driver, I always have a hard seeing the road. Sissy noticed the death grip that I had on the steering wheel and Cindy notice the wild expression in my eyes. They proceed to tell me to take an exit and we will exchange drivers. They go back to doing what they were doing and I continue to drive because I can't see the road and have no idea where the exits are. Finally, the two put their heads together and decide that I need some help. A welcome area is approaching and they tell me to take it. Okay, but where is it? I get in the right lane and finally one of tells me to slow down that the exit is here and I'm still asking "where'. At this point we are laughing, but make it in to the parking lot, only to here Cindy say "Oh Crap, you don't have the lights on." Needlessly I look at her and kill her with my eyes, who in the world drives without the lights on. She proceeded to tell me that when she was driving it was light outside and didn't need the lights. Okay, just give me another pain pill, I'm going to the back seat now.

have fun my friends.


Unknown said...

Charlie, you had me laughing out loud just now!!! You are so funny. That sounds like something I would have done for sure. Oh, but I am sure glad that you are okay. Maybe those pain killers have you very mellow. I hope you can participate on the 21st, but if now please pop back and leave a comment that day because I am having another giveaway.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a true Dodson sister trip!!!! Only you guys!!!
Love, Sister Becky

Victoria Lynn said...

Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments! Oh my gosh, your story is so funny...I've driven with the headlights off before, whoops! Thank the Lord you were safe! What a fun time you had. Hope you're feeling better. Take care.
Victoria Lynn