Samantha and Lillieanna

Samantha and Lillieanna
Time for Mommy to take Lillianna's last name

Charlie's Little Piece of the Worls

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

.................Samantha and her balloons.

Our family moved to Wrightsville Beach the summer that Samantha turned 8, and we stayed there until she was in the 10th grade. She had many summers of walking over the the beach each day and spending her time in the water or laying in the sun with her girlfriends.

Samantha had a friend by the name of Dana that was a little bit more developed physically than Samantha was at the time. Dana had come over for the weekend and they decided to go to the beach and play for a while. Phil and I were downstairs working on the yard when all of a sudden Samantha and Dana came down the steps and Samantha was carrying the towels in front of her body. Phil looked at her and realized that something didn't look quite right about her so he called her over to him. As she got closer his eyes grew bigger.

There was another man standing there with us and Phil didn't want to embarrass her, but let's face it, there was no way to avoid that......Samantha had blown RED balloons up and had stuck them in the top of her bathing suit to make it look like she had breast. Phil told her that she needed to go back upstairs and let the air out before she went to the beach, and she turned around and did as he told her.

Over the years we have laughed and laughed about her doing this. First of all, they looked so big, that you knew they were not real. And then they were RED, and you could see them under the bathing suit top. What was she thinking? Walking over to the beach to jump and play and not expecting them to pop.

Let's just say that was the last time that she tried to make herself look bigger with balloons, toilet paper is a different story.

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