Last Saturday, before my accident on Sunday, I was given a special gift. I received a phone call from my son telling me that I am going to be a Grandmother. If you are someone that knows me knows that I have wanted to be a grandmother for years. Baby McGee is due the end of June, and I am so thrilled. Even in the middle of my car crash I was thinking, "great, I find out that I'm going to be a grandmother and now I'm going to die". Thank God that didn't happen.

We think that she is about 6 weeks, and so this is what Baby McGee looks like right now. This is going to be so much fun. God has blessed me with my greatest desire.
Also wanted to share a movie with you. Today Samantha and I went to go see "Fireproof". It is a very touching movie, and a good Christian movie too. Take your hubby and go see it if you can.

Hugs and blessings to all,
HI Charlie , thanks for stopping by, My sister is doing well. Back on track, I m aso sorry to hear of your Accident, I too have run a redlight or two in my time, I am so glad you are alright and no one was too seriously hurt! That would have been devastating! I use moments like that to slow down and look around, which I am sure you have! A Gramma!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I LOVE being a Gramma, best thing on earth! YOU will have so much fun, Thanks for sharing. Have a safe , relaxing evening! XO Diana
Hi Charlie,
Congratualations!!!Grandma Charlie.
I've heard that movie is awesome and I'm hoping Steven and I can get out to see it soon.
Take care of yourself and continue to rest and heal!!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Dear Charlie,
I am so sorry to hear about your accident! Thank the Lord you are alive and able to recover! God is so good, keeping His hand on us. I pray for your speedy recovery. And congratulations on becoming a Grandmother! How wonderful! Take care and God bless!
Victoria Lynn
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