This is my Harley, notice the flag on the back? that is for Angie's Amazing Race, our fundraiser to help kick cancer's butt.
Doesn't he look tired?
Are you asking yourself about my smiles? Okay let me get you caught up. But I've got to tell you, it is funny because at the end of the day I am thinking about what smile I might have caused or what I'm going to do tomorrow. And then I've just got to share this with you, without me really expecting anything back I am getting smiles given to me. Double smiles for all of us.
Smile day number 8. I helped someone get something that they have wanted for a while now and couldn't have. to make a long story short, Mom decided that she needed to give one of her puppies away, it is just too much for her right now. My friend Cathy has loved one of her puppies since he was born. So I told Mom that if she was going to give him away, she really needed to think about Cathy. Well, guess who has a new baby. Here they are together.
My Smile for day 9 was a simple one, I had a date with my Hubby. We have been so stressed lately, not even really able to talk with one another, so last night just the two of us went to dinner and then to our favorite book store. It was nice being out with each other, no talk of problems or troubles. It was really nice.
Okay, stay tuned for today's smile. Wonder what it will be? Do you think that me and Myles driving thru town on my bike would count as a smile? LOL.
Hugs to all.
1 comment:
Hey Charlie,
Every time I come by and there is a new post you make me smile!!! That counts!
Kathy looks so happy with her new dog. What a sweet story.
Have a great week can't believe I get to see you in one week! I'm not ready at all have so much that needs to be done.
Have a great week.
Sandy :)
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