Hello, Yes, I'm still here. My plate has just been so full for the last month that I haven't had the energy to even come in here and write. I am so sorry. I guess you might say that I'm dealing with a little bit of depression too, and that has a tendency to make you tired and to lose all interest in your activities. I will try to get you caught up on my life really fast, don't want to bore anyone out there in blog land. Okay, here goes.
My husband and I are losing our home. Yes, you read it right. He is in the building business and it has died in our area, has been dead for a while and we have held on to the things for as long as we could but about a month ago, maybe a little longer, we decided that we just couldn't do it anymore and made the decision to let the house go. We are getting a modular and putting it on a piece of land that we own, and we will just start over. I have been spending the last month going thru all of our things and making three piles. 1. things that we need to keep, 2. things to sell, and 3. things to let go of all the way. This has been interesting, I still have things from high school. I love having things that meant a lot to me in the past, but now I'm at the point of do I keep them or let them go. We are going from a house that is over 3000 sq. feet, plus a garage, storage unit, and a huge back yard with hot tube and swimming pool to a small modular with not much land at all. So I am really trying to downsize things. Then I'm running out of time. Time is short here in the house, but the modular hasn't even begun to be set on the lot yet. I'm concerned about where we will go. But then I have been given more time than I thought, so that is a blessing in itself. Let's be honest here, I never ever thought that this could happen to us. We have always done pretty good, nice homes, cars, and could get pretty much anything that we wanted. Whoa, talk about a wake up call. but I have to tell you, I am believing that God will use this in a special way. This is one of our valleys that we are walking thru, and like the Bible tells us, this shall come to pass.
My trip to Florida was nice, but it was hard because I kept getting phone calls all the time about what was happening back here at home. but I've got to tell you, Sandy, my roommate and friend that is in Ga., and Donna was wonderful to me. God blessed me that week with the two of them. And I learned so much. Sandy and I were invited to Donna's house on Tuesday night for a chocolate tasting, check the link for the healthy chocolate on the right of my blog, and her house is wonderful. You just feel comfortable when you walk in, and at the same time you are so busy trying to take everything in. Sandy and I were both amazed at all the paintings that were in here house. I mean, the things that you see in her books are really in her house. I loved it. And, i really need to tell you this, Donna is such a special person. Her heart is so big, and she truly cares about her OSCI and students. I was fortunate to sit with her for two meals, and I just love her. And she is so funny. Really. The certification for the HD paints was the first one, and it was hard. We painted about 12 hours a day, for three days. To me it was hard, this is something that I've never really done before. But I learned and have already been playing with it some at home. I will post some pictures soon.
Well, I'm going to go for now. I've taken some sleeping pills and need to go to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day and the sun will be shining.
Oh Charlie! I am so sorry to hear this has happened to you! It makes you nervous to hear that so many people are getting tossed about with all this mess, and makes me thankful every day for our current situation. I am sending joyful thoughts and prayers your way that things will work for the best for you and your husband!
I am right there with you. Sometimes a reality check hits you like a ton of bricks or sneaks in and bites you on your touchie. You are so strong and your words touched my inner core and spoke to me tonight. I only wished I lived closer. Wishing you peace as you prepare for this change, Know that you are being tenderly thought of and prayed for from a gal in MO. Blessings, Katie
PS. Hope you got the name hanger I sent to you a while back!
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