Here are some pictures from the two classes that I had this week, and also from the crochet class.Theresa and Patty are working hard to get their pattern in the right place
Isn't he just the cutest thing? And he is
so sweet and cute and very good while at the studio with me. His favorite thing to do is for me to hold him while I'm painting. He just sits in my arm for as long as I want to hold him. He just fills my heart with so much love.
Theresa and Patty both liked there pieces and are looking forward to next weeks project. We are going to work on strokes the whole class, instead of trying to finish a piece. We are going to work on Donna's pretty paisley for class, and that is what I did for my level two. I decided to introduce this to the class because it has so many different strokes and new ideas to introduce to them.
Thursday night class started with a great surprise, Ms. Judy was back again. I hadn't seen her since before Christmas and I'm so glad that she was back with us. Her side kick, Diane was with her and she was very missed.

Everytime I look at Judy she just has a sweet smile on her face. Sitting next to her and concentrating so hard is Penni. She is a character, you just never know what she is going to say.
Ms Judy got one of her finished and is showing off with a beautiful smile. She said that Diane is going to be upset that she didn't come cause this project would have looked great in her house.

Here is Penni, and she did great. She will finish her other urn when she gets home. She has plans of hanging this on one of her walls in her house.

And of course, what would a photo opt be if I didn't have Myles in there for all to see. He was very good Thursday night, but he did keep us busy with changing his pee pee pads. He was have gotten ahold of something that wasn't good for him.
Everytime I look at Judy she just has a sweet smile on her face. Sitting next to her and concentrating so hard is Penni. She is a character, you just never know what she is going to say.
Ms. Pat was taking a break from the painting and talking to the other women. She was behind, but we got her caught up and then she surpassed all of us.
And Kathy is sitting with her back to me, she is still really quiet, but she is loosing up some. And she shared with us that she has lost 69 pounds now with Weight Watcher. I need her around me to keep encouraging me so that I can lose my 50.
And Kathy is sitting with her back to me, she is still really quiet, but she is loosing up some. And she shared with us that she has lost 69 pounds now with Weight Watcher. I need her around me to keep encouraging me so that I can lose my 50.
see, God sent me an Angel.
Ms Judy got one of her finished and is showing off with a beautiful smile. She said that Diane is going to be upset that she didn't come cause this project would have looked great in her house.
Kathy did great with her piece too. I love seeing how everyone does the same thing, but with their own style.
Here is Penni, and she did great. She will finish her other urn when she gets home. She has plans of hanging this on one of her walls in her house.
Of course when I took her photo she wanted to pretend like she was Wilson, off of Tim Allen's show, and let us just see her eyes. Funny Girl.
And I can't leave out my Ms. Pat. She has been so faithful in coming to class, being an encourager to me when I have needed it. She is a special blessing in my life. She is not allowed to drive at nights now, so my Demon Elf, which has to come up with a new name since it isn't Christmas anymore, has voluteered to pick her up each night and drive her home. Such a sweet Demon. LOL.
And of course, what would a photo opt be if I didn't have Myles in there for all to see. He was very good Thursday night, but he did keep us busy with changing his pee pee pads. He was have gotten ahold of something that wasn't good for him.
And our friendly Demon is showing us what she learned in crochet class. Joanie and Ellen left before I got the camera out, but I'll get them next time.
Okay, that is all for now. I'm going to go and get some rest. Hope all of you are having a wonderful weekend. I am going to an auction tonight, and I'm looking forward to going. Take care and I'll write more next week.
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